How to be smarter than a scammer


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   Hey everyone, we are happy to be with you again. We had a nice times making deep research and analysis on this lovely and practical topic. Yes! We all can detect scam and can escape the lure before it too late or before we fall for it. How can we be smarter than a scammer. I know you'd love to get the full mouth watering topic been discuss to a lengthy degree. Kudos to yaa

We will kick scammers, scam website or scam business ASS with few steps. James The Blog Hero has its install, Made it special just for you. Do well to Subscribe so as never to miss any of our inciting and enticing topic from us on How to Out Smart a Scammers..

We all are humans and we are created by Brains, but why do other scam out so easily? Well, its because the one been scammed failed to apply wisdom and he or she refuses to allow the brain to function.
 At this point the brain was inactive and that led to disaster. Before we get to the main point of this topic we need to know the tricks that a scammer has and how can we notice or detect it?
How to detect Scammer Tricks
Scammer has brain like everyone of us but they try to be smarter than us making us fell less smart or dumps. We can act like a dumps to out smart them or we face them and outsmart them but either way, We need to detect them faster.
Scammers has a plan step and also an alternative means to scam or lure us to a degree but at the end its left on you to sit back and think before we act on what they said. As you always know, i love using scenarios to bring out my point. So follow on with this scenario

Imagine you are on the web mostly like use facebook as a site. Normally Facebook is 100% trusted Globally and endorsed universally accepted. Everyone can advertise their business and services to over Billions people at a charged on Ads policy by Facebook. Not all information on Facebook are legit and even if they're advertised on facebook doesn't make it safe for you or anyone. There you come across an Advert. WOW! so sweet "Earn $100 Dollar doing nothing", "Earn 50% of your investment in 50 Days" etc Adverts. The main focus of the Advert is to lure or entice use to this scammers. So, We love what we saw and click for more. We alighted to the website and a personnel is active to show us around are supposed to be and we get tour around and around so we are wow at all the story and fake testimonies.

That's it "Earn 50% of your investment in 50 Days".. you want to make MONEY but now its left to you to think and ask questions like: Is this site trusted? Has any of my trusted friends get in and out of the site or even heard of the site before? For sure, Not everyone head will ring bell to this questions but its important we make use of the brain you have that where the smartness drive out from. One thing you should note is that Scammers will give you a decision to make you can decide to join at 75% or Not to join at 25% , so its going to be almost impossible to reject or even say NO to. Yeah! So enticing "Earn 50% of your investment in 50 Days". I must admit, hard to reject offer but the fact still remain, scammers can not transfer money from you bank account or whatever account and transfer to their account. You're the only one that can decide to join them or keep off. So, thats the choice zone where the ball is now in your Cort to be scammed or to escape been scammed.

Finally, now comes the big question yet to be answered: How to be smarter than a scammer? Really its easy to be smarter than any scammer what so ever. How? i call it the Seven Golden Rules to out smart scammer If you follow this point you can hardly be scammed.
  1. You should not be greedy
  2. You should not be easily entice and deceive
  3. You should not act before thinking but think before acting
  4. Make deep research and inquiry from trusted friends or source before joining any business
  5. Don't focus on fantasy or easy money scheme site
  6. Nothing good comes easily
  7. A patient Dog eat the fattest bone 
 Always keep in Mind you can be smarter than your scammer, we love to hear how you feel about this topic, share your thoughts and share to friends. We at James The Blog Hero love you and we keep our detective habit ON to make the web safe for you and other.
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